August 16, 2008

Ink Links

-- Why do I write with a fountain pen?  (Spiritual Evolution of the Bean)

-- Nothing Like A Moleskine…  (Pen and Paper)

-- Gaia has an addiction.....  (Gaiaeagle @ Livejournal)

-- .....and so does Sonya  (Red's Blurbs)

-- A great artist's materials primer on paper  (Bearskinrug via pica + pixel)

-- Review: Pentel Tradio Fountain Pen  (Amateur Economist)

-- Review: Pilot VBall Grip Extra Fine  (The Pen Collector)

-- Maybe a new pen blog?  Keeping an eye out.  (The Pen Critic)

-- The Copic website is updated - be sure to check out the new catalog  (Copic via I Like Markers)


Stephanie "Biffybeans" Smith said...

Thank you yet again! I just added your blog to my page. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I've been a fan of your blog ever since I found it a few weeks ago. All your posts and those of other pen addicts have inspired me to start a community on livejournal for pen lovers to discuss and post reviews, pictures, etc. It's at, and I'd appreciate it if you checked it out. =) thanks!

dowdyism said...

Looks great crystalusagi - I'll be sure to add it to my blogroll.