I started this blog because I have a problem, and the Pilot FriXion epitomizes my addiction. I know I'm not going to like this pen. I've reviewed it before and didn't like it, but I still bought this 0.7mm model even after my previous experience. What I can say is that I don't hate this one as bad as the 0.5mm blue model, but I just can't see myself using this on a day to day basis.
Maybe it's the design on the barrel that's drawing you in. You know it's not your favorite but you can't resist that design.
I think that the design is really trying too hard. My 12 year old son like it though.....
I used this pen (and enjoyed it) for an entire week before the fatal flaws started (all having to do with the eraser) to bother me. First of all, why did Pilot put the eraser at the end of the pen (it belongs at the end of the cap!)? If you store the cap on the end of the pen (which is instinctive to most human beings),you can't use the eraser! Second of all, it takes a large amount of force to erase the pen marks - so much so that you find you are often ripping the paper. I've come to the conclusion that erasable pen was not meant to be.
I honestly despise this pen. The inc is removed by friction (heat) and it does come off with heat. I live in Arizona and it's hot here so when I'm outside all the stuff in my backpack gets hot too. The heat that reached the center of my 100 page comp book was enough for the pen to erase itself. I lost 3 pages of notes and therefore I no longer use my Frixion.
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